Sunday, March 22, 2009

Claire's Sacrament Meeting Talk

Claire prepared her talk entirely on her own, mostly because Clint and I also had talks and lessons to prepare. So she read what she had written and then the list of the original apostles. Although she stumbled over some of the names, she spoke in a loud, clear voice.

There was lots of sighing and adjusting of the microphone.

The best part was at the end, when Claire finished reading her passage out of Luke.
"Mom," she stage whispered, turning her head away from the microphone. "When does this end?"
"It ends when you end it."
Claire scrunched her brow at me.
"You can stop now."
"In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."


Tippetts said...

Claire was so funny in my class! I can see her giving this talk - so cool. When are you guys moving to Utah? Which part?

denebug said...

We're going to Provo this summer. Clint starts at BYU in the fall.

Glenn and Natalie said...

I think that those talks were classics! Your kids are really talented. I have to admit, I was sort of hoping to hear a little more about the ironic priesthood from jacob though...